What is SCSS/SASS ? Why SCSS ? (Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets/Sassy Sass)

Sass (Syntactically awesome style sheets) is the is a CSS pre-processor. 

What is preprocessor?
A preprocessor is a program that processes its input data to produce output that is used as input to another program.

  • So, output that SASS will generate will be the input of the CSS.
What is SASS?
CSS + Some awesome,powerful features = SASS

SCSS is the new version of the Sass.

What of SCSS?
SCSS  = SASS + more easy,clear,clean syntax.

SCSS files need to be converted into CSS by the compiler or webpack before using it.

Files syntax and extension:

  • SCSS called as "Sassy Sass" is the new extension Sass files (.scss).
  • ".sass" is the order syntax of the Sass files.

There are minor syntax changes between the SCSS and SASS. The syntax of SCSS is much more similar to the CSS.

The major features of SCSS(Sass) includes:-
  • Variables
  • Inheritance
  • Nesting of elements
  • Mixins
  • Operators
  • Partials
  • Import/Export of files


A value can be assigned to the variable and it can be used in the file anywhere simply.

Syntax : $variableName = value

Example :

$headingColor: #0000CD;

p {
  color: $headingColor;

h1 {


Advantages :
  •  Easy to make changes. Change in one value will impact others too.
  •  Less typing
  •  Less redundancy


We can import the styling properties of the other elements and reuse them to apply styling to the other elements.

Syntax: @extend nameOfTheElement

Example :

If we had applied some styling to the tag 'p' then we can import the styling of tag 'p' to reuse it in other elements too ('h2' in below example).

$headingColor: #0000CD;

p {
 color: $headingColor;

h2 {
 @extend p;

Advantages :
  •  Less typing.
  •  Less redundancy. 

Nesting of elements

Elements can be nested in each other to apply styling.

Example :

If we want to apply the styling to the tags 'p' and 'h1' which is inside the class name 'bottom' and 'bottom' class is inside the tag 'footer'.

Then we can do it like this :

$headingColor: #0000CD;

footer {
.bottom {
    p {
       color: $headingColor;
     h1 {

Advantages :
  •  Easy to point specific elements.
  •  Less use of div.
  •  Easy to perform complex stylings.


These are used to group the set of styling statements.
Its functionality is just like a function.

Values can also be passed to the Mixins, just like passing data to a function.


To declare a mixin : @mixin mixinName() { }
To use mixin         : @include mixinName();

Example-1 (Without passing values)

@mixin alertMsg()

.successMsg { @include alertMsg();  color:red; }

.errorMsg     { @include alertMsg(); color:green;  }

Example-2 (By passing the values)

@mixin alertMsg($theColor)

.successMsg { @include alertMsg(green);}
.errorMsg   { @include alertMsg(red); }

Advantages :
  •  Reusability.
  •  Dynamic designing.


We can also perform calculations using the mathematical operators +, -, *, /, and %.

Example :

$headingColor: #0000CD;

p {
color: $headingColor;

a {

Advantages :

  •  Easy to perform complex tasks.
  •  Dynamic designing without using any scripting language.

What is JSON ? Where it is used ? (For Beginners) ( From Level Zero to One) (60 seconds read)

There are multiple formats in which data is being shared or interchanged between the applications and JSON is one of them.
JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is the data-interchange format, which is popular due to its features likes:
  • Light size
  • Portable
  • Good readability.
  • Standardization
  • Fast execution.
  • Programming language independent
JSON is one of the most popular among modern web application and data storage platforms.

Other popular data-interchange formats are : 
  • XML (Extensible Markup Language)
  • YAML (YAML Ain't Markup Language)
  • CSV (Comma-separated values)

Programming Language Independent : 
JSON can be used with any programing language it is not restricted the only JavaScript
However, in JavaScript, we don't need to import or install any package to use JSON and in other programming languages, we might need to import a package or a module to use the JSON.

Syntax and Rules

5 key points in JSON are:

1Key and ValueData to be stored in form of Key-value pairs.
2Colon signKey and Values are separted by ":" (colon sign).
3JSON ObjectCurly ({,}) braces are used to represent a JSON Object
4JSON ArraySquare brackets ([,]) are used to represent the JSON Array.
5Dot NotationThe value in JSON can be fetched by using the '.' (dot symbol).
6JSON objects and JSON arrays can be nested within each other.

Data types in JSON :

The value in the JSON must be one of the following data types:
JSON ObjectJSON ArrayNull


1.Simple JSON Object: 

{' car ': 'Jaguar F-PACE'}

2.Nested JSON Object and Array

data = {'company':'Boeing','details':[{'product':'Chinook','origin':'USA'}]}
data.company // result will be 'Boeing' 
data.details[0].product // result will be 'Chinook'

JSON parse() and JSON stringify()

When data is send to the server it is preferred to convert it into the string format.
  • JSON.stringify()  : Used to convert JSON Object into JSON string.
  • JSON.parse()      : Used to convert JSON string into JSON Object

HTML vs CSS vs Javascript vs jQuery vs Angular vs ReactJS (30 sec vital read for every Digital Technophile)

  HTML : Hypertext Markup Language contains the set of components/keywords (known as tags) that we use to create the web pages.

✈ CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) : Used for adding styling (colors,borders,alignments etc) to the web pages.

✈ JavaScipt: It is used when we want to perform dynamic action on HTML elements. Example : To get data from user, to send data to server, to perform calculations.

jQuery : It is a Javascipt library that simplifies the JavaScript functions like event handling, animation, server calls etc. It provides short syntax of JavaScript functions.

Angular : Angular JS (version 2.0 and 2.0+) is the front-end Javascript framework (not a library) that is made by using Javascipt and TypeScript.

ReactJS : Open-source JavaScript library (not a framework) used for creating user interfaces specifically for single page applications. It uses MVC(Model - View - Controller) pattern.



Salesforce is cloud-computing company (HQ in San Francisco) .Though its revenue comes from a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) product , Salesforce also capitalizes on commercial applications of social networking through acquisition.

Salesforce logo (img source : salesforce.com)

“Salesforce is world’s 2nd most innovative company in Forbes 2016 ranking.”

The company was founded in 1999 by former Oracle executives including ‘Marc Benioff’ as a company specializing in SaaS (software as a service ).
 In October 2014, Salesforce announced the development of its Customer Success Platform to tie together Salesforce's services, including sales, service, marketing, analytics, community, and mobile apps.

Salesforce ‘s CRM (Customer Relationship Management) application built on the Force.com platform. It can manage all the customer interactions of an organization through different media, like phone calls, site email enquirers, communities, as well as social media. Salesforce handles all the customer relationships, by focusing on the sales, marketing and support processes.

What is  CRM (Customer Relationship Management) ?
  •  It is a kind of digital system that helps companies to retain,identify,target,acquire customers.
img source: salesforce.com
Force.com : It is a PaaS (platform as a service) that allows developers to create multi-tenant (single instance of software runs on a server and serves multiple customers) add-on applications that integrate into the main Salesforce.com application.Force.com applications are hosted on Salesforce.com's infrastructure.
Force.com applications are mainly built using Apex and Visualforce.

Apex : It is a strongly typed, object-oriented, case-insensitive programming language, following a dot-notation and curly-brackets syntax. Apex is a proprietary programming language provided by the Force.com platform to developers similar to Java. There are over 3 million Salesforce  developers.

Visualforce (View control technology on the Force.com platform): It is an open/close tag based library with structure and markup very similar to HTML. Visualforce can be used to create entire custom pages inside a Salesforce organisation in conjunction with many other front end technologies, such as HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript.

Salesforce (Salesforce.org) donates 1% of the company's resources (defined as profit, equity, and employee time) to support organizations that are working to "make the world a better place".
img source: salesforce.org

"Salesforce.org has given more than $128 million in grants, since their inception."


salesforce.com, inc. provides enterprise cloud computing applications. It provides a comprehensive customer and collaboration relationship management service to businesses of all sizes and industries and also provides a technology platform for customers and developers to build and run applications. The company has designed and developed its applications to be easy-to-use and intuitive solutions that can be deployed, customized and integrated with other software applications

Salesforce's office in Mexico City (img source:datacenterdynamics.com)

salesforce.com offers its services on a subscription basis, primarily through its direct sales efforts and indirectly through partners.

Salesforce.com and Oracle in 2013 announced a 9-year partnership in which Salesforce.com will use Oracle Linux, Oracle Exadata, Oracle Database, and the Java platform to power salesforce.com's applications and SaaS (software as a service )platform.

Saleforce’s regional headquarters in India covers operations in Asia Pacific excluding Japan.

Founded in February 1999 Salesforce now had workforce of more than 19,000 with Net income(2016) 47.43 million US $ and Revenue US$ 6.667 billion (2016).

Introduction to AngularJS.

{{ AngularJS }}

AngularJS the “superheroic JavaScript framework” is a complete JavaScript-based open-source front-end web application framework mainly developed by Google and individuals communities and corporations for developing single-page applications more rapidly,effectively and efficiently.

Image source : https://angularjs.org

 Basically AngularJS is the frontend part of the MEAN stack, consisting of:
Image source: https://www.airpair.com
  1. MongoDB database,
  2. Express.js web application server framework,
  3. Angular.js itself, and
  4. Node.js runtime environment.



JavaScript framework vs JavaScript Library ?

JavaScript framework: It describes the structure of the application and a way,method to organize the code to make your applications more innovative and responsive.

JavaScript Library: A library give us many predefined methods,functions that a developer can call and use to improve and extend application.


How AngularJS works ?

The AngularJS framework works by first reading the HTML page, which has embedded into it additional custom tag attributes. Angular interprets those attributes as directives to bind input or output parts of the page to a model that is represented by standard JavaScript variables. The values of those JavaScript variables can be manually set within the code, or retrieved from static or dynamic JSON (javascript object notation) resources.

AngularJS is written in TypeScript, JavaScript and it is built on the belief that declarative programming should be used to create user interfaces and connect software components, while imperative programming is better suited to defining an application's business logic.

Two-way Data Binding in AngularJS

Two-way data binding is its most usable and largely relieving the server backend of templating responsibilities. AngularJS detects changes in models by comparing the current values with values stored earlier in a process using directives. Angular detects changes to the model section using $scope service and modifies HTML expressions in the view via a controller.
  • October 20, 2010 was AngularJS’s initial release date and AngularJS 2.0 was announced at the ng-Europe conference 22-23 September 2014.But due to huge change on 2.0 version it created considerable controversy among developers. Angular 2 is basically not a version upgrade, but a complete rewrite code. 

  • 4.0 version might released instead 3.0 version of AngularJS and AngularJS 2.0.1 (stable) was released on September 24, 2016 .

Why AngularJS ?

  • AngularJS is backed by an active community of developers.
  • Built-in Dependency Injection feature.
  • High performance in single page applications.
  • Commendable Developers controls (use of directives).
  • Seamless real-time app testing.
AngularJS is loaded with multiple Services, Directives, Controllers, Factories and Views; thereby allowing you to categorize your app’s building block conveniently. You can further divide the categories into modules which include a certain role during the app development phases.

Introduction to JavaScript

If you are familiar with HTML and CSS then next and best step is to learn JavaScript.

“JavaScript is used to add Dynamic features in a web application”

Let us take an example to built a car:

1) (Role of HTML) Firstly we need parts like : The engine, drive train, brakes, tires,steering . This is equivalent to adding webforms elements like button,radio-button,input fields etc using HTML. 

2) (Role of CSS) Secondly we need to arrange the set postion of these elements,like where tires will come and where brakes. And this is equivalent to setting postions,add colors,padding,margin settings using CSS. 

3) (Role of JavaScript) Now everything is arranged but now we want to start the engine by pressing “start“ button from car ,this part will be done with JavaScript i.e JavaScript will add funtionality.
JavaScript will connect the the “Start”(created using HTML and CSS) button of car with it’s engine.

  • What is JavaScript ?
JavaScript is a “scripting language" that give us programming language like functionality used to develop web applications.

JavaScript is a client-side scripting language, which means the code is processed and manipulated by the client's web browser not on the web server.

  •  JavaScript vs Java
JavaScript and Java both are different programming languages. The word “Java” in “JavaScript” has nothing  to do anything with Java programming language.The word “java” in front of “JavaScript” might be added to gain popularity.

  • Do we need to install JavaScript in browers or anywhere ?

No,We need to install JavaScript anywhere.

Example of usage of JavaScript:
1)To check textbox must not be empty.

2)To add button on Click.

3)To Enable/Disable text-box on click.

  • Embedding JavaScript in Webpage:

Basically there are three ways to embedding JavaScript in web application:
1) By Creating Separate JavaScript file then adding it to using "script" tags. (most recommended)
Example: <script src='login.js' type='text/javascript'></script>

2) By write code under <script></script> tags under <head></head> tags.
 ////----javaScript Code here-----------------////

 3) Withing the element. (least recommended)
Example: <button onClick="alert('hello World ! ')">Click me !</button>


Target :10

5 things we must know about Bombay Stock Exchange

Bombay Stock Exchange

Founded 1875
Owner BSE Limited
CEO Ashishkumar Chauhan (MD & CEO)
Currency Indian rupee(INR)
No. of listings 5,749
Market cap US$ 1.7 trillion (23 Jan 2015)
  • The Bombay Stock Exchange is the oldest exchange in Asia.
  • It traces its history to 1855, when four Gujarati & one Parsi stockbroker would gather under banyan trees in front of Mumbai's Town Hall. 
  • The location of these meetings changed many times as the number of brokers constantly increased. The group eventually moved to Dalal Street in 1874 and in 1875 .
  • On 31 August 1957, the BSE became the first stock exchange to be recognized by the Indian Government under the Securities Contracts Regulation Act. 
  • In March 1993 (Bombay bombings) a powerful car bomb exploded in the basement of the Bombay Stock Exchange building. The 28-story office building was severely damaged, nearby office buildings also suffered some damage.